Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Tattoo

Got a new tattoo on monday in Phoenix. The pics are rough, and it takes 3 to capture it all. It is the common scene of the dove and olive branch from the story of Noah. (Genesis 8:11)

This design has different meanings to different people. But for me, it is the embodyment of Hope. Everything in my life right now seems to revolve around this theme.


Anonymous said...

Matt! sweet tat...and i lv that it is meaningful and you won't regret it down the road..unlike J's tribal frog on his back that i laugh at all the time..when i got mine i must say it hurt like crazy! but i love it and kind of want more:) take care

Paige said...

Who would've thought all those years ago you would be here. Hey Matt! Have the time of your life! You have an amazing wife, i'm not sure i'd be ok with letting my go like she has. You two were made for each other!

Jared said...

You sadistic sadist! I have something funny to show you that may make you feel better since you're sick.....check my blog for it.

Take care, Bro.