Wednesday, June 16, 2010

i need thee every hour

Turns out, I can't really do ANYTHING good. This is a "truth" I've known for years. We have no pure motives, we're not capable. Even our greatest intentions have a selfish lining, some hope that we will be appreciated or loved, or (sometimes) receive something in return.

So that's it, right? We can do no good, we're selfish fallen creatures. This is partly true when it comes to our view of God (and our approach to him). But there's something else....

We've been given the capacity to love. Sure, our love is often selfish and contrived. But there are other times that we are moved with compassion for someone else. Broken by their loss or situation. Moved and inspired by their courage, to find a courage of our own. At our best moments, we give of ourselves... we sacrifice. It's what makes men great. We are most proud and alive when we do something that is for the good of another... knowing that we have everything to lose, but seeing the glimmer of hope that comes from loving someone more than ourselves or our desires.

So this has to be the greatest evidence of our capacity to do good, right? I mean, if it were true that we're all in it for ourselves, the human race would've died long ago. There's no way to sustain a dog-eat-dog society. There's an overwhelming evidence of compassion and love in our culture, and that's what keeps us moving.

My point is this... the good that we do doesn't come from nowhere. It's in us. As though we were made for it. Doesn't matter who you are, or how angry/hurt/burned/pissed you are, you'll find your best moment when you're laying down your life for a friend (or foe). What we need to do is build each other up to be the ESSENCE of that "best moment". Embrace compassion and battle misfortune, with justice for wrongdoing, and advocacy for those done wrong.

Sure, you know me. I'm the most negative, cynical person you probably know. And I'm aware. But don't misunderstand... I don't mean put on a happy face, and be positive and encouraging. That's often BS. I mean GET YOUR HANDS dirty and be IN THE MOMENT. Always aware of the injustices around you, often someone stepping on another for personal pride or gain. Sure, reach out your hand to the broken, but don't spare the fist to the oppressor.

As for me, my disdain for the proud has made me ignore the need. My disgust for the political compassionate has rendered me useless to help those that are TRULY doing something, and not just patting themselves on the back for a good intention.

May I find the heart of God on my own heart, may I join the hands of the heroes that are rescuing. May I show myself approved of the grace given me, for it is much.

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